Course curriculum

    1. Bible Basics

    2. Download: E-Course Outline and Discussion Questions

    1. Video Lesson: How Did We Get The Bible?

    2. Quiz: How Did We Get The Bible?

    1. Video Lesson: The Apocrypha Bible

    2. Quiz: The Apocrypha Bible

    1. Video Lesson: The Symbols of The Bible

    2. Quiz: The Symbols of The Bible

    1. Video Lesson: The Purpose of The Bible

    2. Quiz: The Purpose of The Bible

    1. Partner With The Ministry

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Vladimir Savchuk

Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising up of young leaders. He leads the annual “Raised to Deliver” conferences, which attract thousands from all over the globe. He also leads three different internships, one for teens, one for young adults, and another for ministry training. Pastor Vlad is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Vlad was born in Ukraine and raised in a Christian home. He immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 13 and became a youth pastor at the age of 16. Recently, he became the lead pastor of the HungryGen Church. He is married to his beautiful wife, Lana, with whom he enjoys spending time and doing ministry together.

Vladimir Savchuk